William Wittmann, LMP

Positional Release Technique

Positional Release Technique has the ability to correct physical ailments, even long standing ones, quickly and easily.

You feel better, move with more ease, and discomfort or pain diminishes or vanishes. It seems magical to me. That's part of why I like it.

Also, Positional Release Technique engages me because researchers have tested its methods for decades to uncover the science that elucidates the fantastic results.

Positional Release Technique targets specialized nerve cells in the joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons, and fascia. The method reprograms your body's response to trauma. Your body readjusts, vertebrae glide into place, hips move more easily, necks release.

Positional Release technique

When the therapist guides your body into a position of comfort, the nervous system magic happens. Release takes place, and the body heals. Way cool.

What Kind of Problems Can You Address?

Last week I saw Apollo, a 60 year old man who came in for hip pain. As we cleared the most recent injuries a much older trauma rose to the surface in his other hip. When he was 16, he injured his hip in a knife fight, no stabbing, but he wrenched his hip fighting off the assailant.

When we finished, Apollo walked in comfort with a grounded, smooth gate.

A woman, Athena, had some long standing rib pain - it stemmed from a sports injury three decades prior.

A man has open heart surgery and the sternum and chest continued to hurt long afterwards. Positional Release Technique freed it, and he became comfortable.

It works with most conditions you can name. (I haven't found anything it can't assist.) And because this technique holistically treats body, mind, and spirit, people find internal organs get better and emotional conditions tied into the trauma move towards resolution.

Although I have been practicing variations on Positional Release Technique for decades, I have recently strengthened and deepened my skills. It's an art.

Obviously, Positional Release Technique works well with the other methods I use including Life Coaching, CranialSacral Therapy, and Visceral Manipulation. And like all my treatments, the client remains clothed and warm.

You can get help for -

  1. Your Neck
  2. Back - upper middle and lower
  3. Your Hips
  4. Your Knees
  5. Your Feet & Ankles
  6. Your Shoulders
  7. Your Wrists and Hands
  8. Your Elbows
  9. And your muscles anywhere in your body.

Contact me to see how this might help you.

  • 206.328.2073
  • William@BodyAndSoulMentor.com

May you move with pleasure and ease,


P.S. If you don't live in the Seattle area, you can try searching on Yelp or Google for someone to work with.

P.P.S. If you're in Indianapolis go see Denise Deig, PT. The image above courtesy of www.denisedeig.com .